
ERP and Technology

ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

CFO 4.0 – Manufacturing & Cybercrime – Assessing your Financial Risk

Reading Time: 4 minutes Sometimes it takes an unfortunate occurrence, initiated by malicious actors, to drive home the realization that we operate our businesses …

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Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation_in_Manufacturing_Africa
ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation

Reading Time: 2 minutes While most manufacturers have entered the era of automation, statistics are showing that true industry differentiation lies not only in …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Data

Top 5 ERP Technology Predictions for the Manufacturing Sector in 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutes 2019 was quite a year. China became the first nation in the world to safely and successfully land a spacecraft on …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Applying Technology to Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Reading Time: 2 minutes During a recent holiday in France, over a croissant and coffee, I watched the morning crowds making their way to …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Technology

How ERP Takes the Customer Experience to the Next Level

Reading Time: 3 minutes A couple of decades ago, the expression ‘customer experience journey’ was virtually non-existent.  Although businesses had placed the customer at the …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Innovation: The Key to Africa’s Industrialization Journey

Reading Time: 2 minutes    “Industrialisation is the motive behind economic growth, and although Africa has made strides in this regard, more can be done …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

WiFi Turns 20, Connecting to ERP Has Never Been Easier

Reading Time: 2 minutes Pop the bubbly and cut the cake, because of 2019 marks 20 years since the invention of WiFi connectivity. Life …

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Using ERP to Converge IT Systems and Operational Technology
ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

How to Use ERP to Converge IT Systems and Operational Technology

Reading Time: 3 minutes Traditionally, manufacturing companies maintained a clear line between their IT systems and operational technology (OT) – that is, the tools …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Unlocking Your Full Business Potential with the Right ERP Software

Reading Time: 2 minutes In a recent conversation with my 14-year-old daughter, she asked me what I do for work. My immediate response was: …

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