
ERP for Manufacturing

ERP for ManufacturingTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

The Human Side of Machine Learning

Reading Time: 2 minutes The fight between man and machine has bounced off movie screens, leapt out of the pages of fiction novels and …

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ERP for ManufacturingSYSPRO User Tips

The Bleeding Edge of Technology Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes In Part 1, I discussed Moore’s law and the benefits of keeping up with technology in the fast paced evolution …

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ERP for ManufacturingTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

What is Driving the Differentiated User Experience?

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I think about the most widely used phrases bandied about the office in 2015, ‘a meaningful user experience’ has …

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ERP and Mobile BusinessERP for Manufacturing

Mobile ERP Keeps Execs in the Loop

Reading Time: 2 minutes A software development business, much like any other service related organization, cannot afford to lose sight of what the customer …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP Implementation

How African Markets Leapfrog onto New Technology

Reading Time: 2 minutes The recent Gartner Symposium has highlighted the need to not compare apples with oranges when talking about the latest IT …

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ERP and Mobile BusinessERP for Manufacturing

How Mobile ERP can Improve Productivity on the Factory Floor

Reading Time: 2 minutes How do I do it better? Faster? More efficiently? Today’s competitive economic landscape has us all asking these questions on …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

Predictive Analytics Uses the Past to Predict the Future for ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes Gartner analyst, Neil Chandler, recently discussed the Disruptive Nature of Analytics at the 2015 Gartner Symposium in Cape Town. The …

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ERP for ManufacturingTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

Crafting the Future of ERP in the Electronics Industry

Reading Time: 2 minutes There can be little debate about two aspects of the electronics industry. Firstly, few other industries can compare to this …

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ERP for ManufacturingSelecting ERP

Can Entry-Level Software Support the Modern Manufacturer?

Reading Time: 2 minutes I believe that asking the right questions is often a critical factor in the pursuit of a successful outcome. Choosing …

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