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Services and Support for ERPEducation

Find the Educational Fit

Reading Time: 2 minutes TOMS is a company that sells apparel. What they do differently, …

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Applying and Operating ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

Asking the Right ERP Questions

Reading Time: 2 minutes “How’re you doing?” This is a question that shouldn’t only be …

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Managing-Operating ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

4 Ways to Maximize the Value of your ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes Yesterday afternoon I had a phone call from a relatively new …

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ERP for ManufacturingSYSPRO User Tips

The Bleeding Edge of Technology Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes In Part 1, I discussed Moore’s law and the benefits of …

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Managing-Operating ERPSelecting ERP

How to Increase the Value of your ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes In recent years when visiting customers, I find the number one …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPSelecting ERP

6 Top ERP Tech Trends for 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, I would like to highlight some of the …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP Implementation

Five Steps to a Successful ERP Change Management Plan

Reading Time: 2 minutes In my last blog I introduced you to the “resistance-gnomes” – …

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Applying and Operating ERPSelecting ERP

When Quantity Trumps Quality

Reading Time: 3 minutes Being an armchair sports enthusiast is even more satisfying when your …

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ERP for ManufacturingTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

What is Driving the Differentiated User Experience?

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I think about the most widely used phrases bandied about …

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