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ERP for ManufacturingSoftware development

Be Part of the Circular Economy

Reading Time: 2 minutes Death. It’s guaranteed, the one thing we can’t avoid. Its imminent …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Financial Management

Working while sleeping

Reading Time: 2 minutes As someone with a daughter who rides horses I have often …

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Managing-Operating ERPSoftware development

From Papua, with ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes The sun was setting steadily on the steamy horizon. Its rays …

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ERP and Mobile Business

10 things to do before taking your business mobile

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever thought how mobile devices are transforming your personal …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPCloud computing

Business Manager’s Guide to Software Infrastructure

Reading Time: 4 minutes Choosing the type of software infrastructure that you want any enterprise …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP Implementation

Knowing when to Pull the Trigger on ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes For more than 20 years I have seen manufacturers and distributors …

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Applying and Operating ERP

SQL – The perfect database partner

Reading Time: 3 minutes I love the database programming language SQL, and I don’t mind …

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Managing-Operating ERPSelecting ERP

Celebrating the Ideal ‘Business’ Partner on Valentine’s Day

Reading Time: 3 minutes February is the month of love and with Valentine’s Day just …

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Applying and Operating ERPEducation

The App Games

Reading Time: 2 minutes I admit I am a Hunger Games fan. I read all …

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