
ERP Implementation

Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

Four tips for starting an ERP project

Reading Time: 3 minutes We have previously discussed how an ERP system can help a business, and also provided some suggestions on how to …

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The easy way out
Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

The easy way out

Reading Time: 2 minutes Human beings are strange creatures in many ways. One of the habits we all have is a tendency to avoid …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Measuring the ROI of your ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes We are regularly asked to provide a tool to demonstrate ROI (Return on Investment) on the purchase and implementation of …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

5 Tips for ERP Health

Reading Time: 2 minutes So your ERP project is live, the champagne is gone and the cake is well and truly eaten. Now what? …

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Applying and Operating ERPERP Implementation

Go Live

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finally my project has ended! After 12 months of running, cross training and stretching in preparation for www.thewallrun.co.uk the weekend …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

The importance of having a skilled ERP Administrator

Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the last 2 years I’ve been involved with over 200 separate business that use SYSPRO and what I have …

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Ensuring ERP readiness
Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

ERP Ready?

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s May already and I am just 6 weeks away from my epic run across England, the Wall Run. 69 …

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perfect ERP fit
Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

In search of the perfect (ERP) fit

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently I have been exposed to a big debate on an ERP LinkedIn forum around the use of descriptions in …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

SYSPRO Quantum Architecture –Business Management of Material, Costs and Cash –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes On my previous post, I blogged about how Einstein’s Theory of Relativity inspired the SYSPRO USA go-to-market campaign ‘S=MC²’; where …

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