
Technology (or Enterprise Technology)

Big data
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Big data and the SMB market

Reading Time: 3 minutes You may have heard of the term ‘big data’ – it’s one of those technologies that some people are making …

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Taking stock and looking ahead to 2013
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Taking stock and looking ahead to 2013

Reading Time: 3 minutes Regardless of what business you happen to be in, the end of the year is a natural time to reflect …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Lights, camera, ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes SYSPRO was featured on CNBC Africa last week when Chris Bishop interviewed me on the Entrepreneurial Edge Show. Besides the …

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Applying and Operating ERPERP systems

Revolutionizing business in Africa with ERP solutions

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s fascinating to be living in a time where the world is not ruled by tyranny or dictatorship, socialism or …

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Maximizing your ERP Investment
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Maximizing your ERP Investment to Improve the Management of Market Volatility and Change

Reading Time: 3 minutes The frequency and the intensity of change in the business world, strikes me as similar to how we experience change …

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ERP and Mobile BusinessBusiness software

Keeping up with the customers

Reading Time: 3 minutes I found it interesting to note how two recent and completely unrelated events, both emphasized the growing impact of mobile …

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Managing-Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

Windows Reimagined

Reading Time: 2 minutes I was fortunate enough to attend the Microsoft BUILD conference in Los Angeles recently, along with one of my colleagues. …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP systems

Location, location, location

Reading Time: 3 minutes Napoli, August 23 AD 79 Dear mum, I am so excited. I have just signed the tablet with the local …

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Reading Time: 3 minutes Dear Diary, My friend David popped round for dinner the other evening, deeply troubled. He told me that when he …

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