
Technology (or Enterprise Technology)

Managing-Operating ERPERP and Analytics

Machine Learning

Reading Time: 3 minutes For most of my career, I have been engaged in making decisions, or helping others make decisions. Way back in …

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ERP for ManufacturingSelecting ERP

The Impact of Automation on Jobs and Roles

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recent advances in robotics and machine learning (AI) have happened so quickly that industry observers could be said to be …

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Managing-Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

What ERP has Learnt from NASA

Reading Time: 3 minutes Before setting three Apollo astronauts on top of 2,350 tons of liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and kerosene, then counting down …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

The Power of Automation in ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes Life has been made simpler with Internet banking and scheduled payments. As soon as the functionality was made available, I …

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Managing-Operating ERPSelecting ERP

Innovation Hot Topic at Davos and Closer to Home

Reading Time: < 1 minute One of the key points made at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos recently was the need to drive …

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Managing-Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

Mastering the Data Ecosystem with ERP

Reading Time: < 1 minute The control and ownership of data and metadata is fast becoming a contentious issue. The value of both is rapidly …

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Managing-Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

VPN Tunnels – Increasing Security, Promoting Agility

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are days when I feel like throwing up my hands and declaring the phrase ‘Internet security’ to be an …

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Applying and Operating ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

6 Key Trends in ERP for 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes ERP remains the backbone of any medium or large business. This is set to remain true looking ahead. But additional …

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ERP and Mobile BusinessTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

Mobile Apps are so 2016!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Steve Jobs’ original vision was not for static apps, but rather services that could be accessed as needed. This vision …

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