
ERP and Technology

ERP and TechnologyERP and Technology

Tech trends transforming ERP in 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes The tech innovations you can expect in 2022 will be a natural progression of digital transformation – the very processes …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Technology

How AI is transforming manufacturing Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes Artificial intelligence (AI) is a transformative technology that will enhance people’s decision-making by using data and creating more accurate predictions. …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

The smart factory Part 4: What skills do manufacturers and distributors need in the factory of the future?

Reading Time: 3 minutes As manufacturers and distributors inject their operations with innovative technologies in an effort to transform them into smart factories, a …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

The smart factory Part 3: What does the factory of the future look like

Reading Time: 4 minutes The pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on manufacturing companies, which have been forced to adapt to supply chain interruptions, market …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

What manufacturers need to know about IIoT

Reading Time: 5 minutes In 2018 a Forbes magazine published an article entitled “Every company is a data company” in which the authors urged …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

The smart factory Part 2: How manufacturers and distributors can evolve towards the smart factory

Reading Time: 4 minutes Several years ago, only the bravest and most ambitious enterprises embarked on the digital transformation journey, today the industry landscape …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

The future of manufacturing: trends and innovation for growth

Reading Time: 4 minutes Before COVID, new technologies in manufacturing took years, sometimes decades, to become fully accepted. The pandemic, however, has speeded up …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Financial Management

How manufacturers can monetize data

Reading Time: 3 minutes Data is a crucial component of digital transformation in the manufacturing sector. In fact, it lies at the foundation of …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Technology

Technology innovations shaping the future of ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes Businesses today are required to deal with technological advancements occurring at a pace never experienced before. ERP systems continue to …

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