Improving the Training Experience


In the dim distant past of ERP, 10 years ago and more, the way you learnt about the software was by referring to the training manuals relating to various modules – Accounts Payable, Bill of Materials, etc. It was a very product-oriented and narrow view of learning. Times have changed, fortunately, and learning materials are turning towards how people work – their roles – and the business processes involved.

Recently, SYSPRO’s Education department added a new training guide called Transaction Flows and T-Charts, aimed at business analysts and accountants.TransChart It provides a visual guide to how transactions update SYSPRO tables (the flows), and shows t-charts of how those transactions generate general ledger entries; it also covers several end-to-end business processes, such as Require-Procure-Pay and Schedule-Produce-Distribute.

Why would this be useful?

  1. Previously you would need to go through several different training guides for the various modules to find this information, now it’s in one place.
  2. Auditors and compliance officers can use this guide for validation purposes.
  3. If you are migrating from another ERP system to SYSPRO, this guide helps in getting to grips with some SYSPRO features.
  4. Makes training easier by putting it in the context of a role and what it takes to perform that role. After training, users have a manual that supports their particular set of activities.

This guide is part of a series of process- and role-oriented guides that our Education department is producing. There are already role-based training guides for:

Other guides in the pipeline are for Production Planners, and Cost Accountants.

If you are a SYSPRO customer or partner, you can access the training guides via the Edu Hub on the new SYSPRO InfoZone.

Suggestions for other guides are always welcome; leave a comment on this blog.

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