
ERP and Technology

ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

8 Positive Technology Trends to Come out of COVID-19

Reading Time: 4 minutes For decades the world has remained in a comfort zone.  Business models have been largely ‘analog’ in nature – reliant on …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Considerations and Barriers to Adoption of Smart Manufacturing

Reading Time: 4 minutes Smart manufacturing is enabled by digital transformation. Fully implemented, it optimizes the manufacturing process through technology, like IIoT, artificial intelligence …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

The Technology that Drives a Customizable User Interface and Healthy Eyesight

Reading Time: 3 minutes I really should get my eyes checked or perhaps just give them a bit of a break away from the …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Learning Strategies for the New World of Work

Reading Time: 5 minutes If nothing else, 2020 has shown that learning new digital tools and technologies is important for everyone. The world has …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

What Does it Take to Pivot? Here are 8 Ways to Make Your Business More Agile

Reading Time: 4 minutes Car manufacturers rolling ventilators off the line. Breweries pumping out hand sanitizer. Laundry and uniform businesses outfitting healthcare workers with …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Should Manufacturers Consider Coming Home or Stay Offshore?

Reading Time: 4 minutes It seems strange in August 2020 that only six months ago we accepted that many of our components should come …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Technology

6 Challenges Facing Procurement and How to Address Them

Reading Time: 3 minutes The effects of the Coronavirus pandemic are far from over and a recovery timeframe is anything but certain. Among the …

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Services and Support for ERPERP and Technology

Customer Queries Hit an All-time High during Covid-19

Reading Time: 4 minutes When lockdown began, business and service provider customer support teams anticipated query loads would lessen, as businesses closed or operated …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

5 Ways Australian Manufacturers will be more Competitive in the Challenging Post-Pandemic

Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the last few months, the movement towards favoring local Australian made goods has gained momentum. The ‘shop local’ movement …

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