
ERP systems

Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

What Supply Chain Visibility Means for Your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the past few years, supply chains have become increasingly more connected and complex. At the same time consumer demand …

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Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

The True Story of Customer Satisfaction in Africa

Reading Time: 3 minutes After 4 days of meetings with customers in Kenya, I have realized that over-delivery is the way to go here …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Celebrating Technology on International Language Day

Reading Time: 3 minutes February 21 was International Mother Language Day. This day has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP systems

The Past, Present and Future of ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes For many of today’s established organizations, the path to success and the evolution of business management technology are closely interwoven. …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

Can ERP Traceability Keep Aerospace up in the Air?

Reading Time: 2 minutes The UK aerospace industry is a vital component of the economy. According to the International Trade Administration, the industry is …

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Kaizen, Kaikaku, Gambatte – Three useful concepts to consider when implementing ERP
ERP ImplementationERP Implementation

Kaizen, Kaikaku, Gambatte – 3 Useful Concepts to Consider when Implementing ERP

Reading Time: 6 minutes Before considering an ERP implementation, let’s take a look at three very useful concepts that need to be factored upfront: 

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Data

How Mid-Sized Defense Manufacturers Can Leverage ERP to Compete With The Primes

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Australian Defense Force (ADF) is a well-respected institution, contributing to the security of Australia by protecting its interests and …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

Key ERP Tools to Support the Future Manufacturing Supply Chain

Reading Time: 3 minutes The future direction of supply chain management and collaboration will be determined by the impact of digitalization on the supply …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Data

Making Governance and Compliance Part of the Manufacturing Process

Reading Time: 3 minutes The week of 17-23 November was Fraud Awareness Week (www.fraudweek.com), and this makes it an appropriate time to highlight key issues around manufacturing governance …

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