ERP embracing consumerization of technology


One of my favourite films from the past is Minority Report, mainly because of the technology shown in these films, and not least because of the leading actor! It amazes me to think that Minority Report is already 11 years old. It seemed so far into the future at the time and yet today we are already seeing evidence of the technology used in Minority Report.

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The on-the-go worker, access to real-time data and SYSPRO Espresso: The New 3 Musketeers!


I recently spent a few days on the road visiting customers across various US states. Preparing for this trip, I felt a little stressed about how I would still be able to manage SYSPRO USA’s Social Media Accounts even though I would be spending the majority of each day away from my laptop or any sort of office setting.

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Innovative or Customer Centric?


Developing ERP software is a tricky business, especially if the software is not being developed for any specific customer but rather for a range of customers, some of whom have yet to purchase your product. A software product needs to evolve, be constantly updated and advanced, if it’s not to fall into neglect and disuse, and that can happen all too often in the software market.

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Getting the skills for SYSPRO power tailoring

power tailoring skills

As a cycling fan, I am excited by the start of each new season particularly spring time as the “Spring Classics” get underway and everyone starts to look towards the summer blockbuster, the Tour de France. This is also the season in which I start to seriously ramp up my training as I look forward to the Tour de France stage (Annecy to Annecy-Semnoz) I will be riding on 7th July. With this in mind, I will share what I consider similarities in learning the necessary skills to power tailor and customize SYSPRO, and training for such a gruelling endurance event.

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ERP Ready?

Ensuring ERP readiness

It’s May already and I am just 6 weeks away from my epic run across England, the Wall Run. 69 miles, loosely following the route of Hadrian’s Wall. Preparation for this ultra-marathon has been all consuming; 5am runs before work, full weekends spent running 20 plus miles and cross training. Tempo runs, intervals and fartlek’s have become part of my everyday vocabulary, not to mention testing the kit and worrying about race day nutrition and hydration.

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In search of the perfect (ERP) fit

perfect ERP fit

Recently I have been exposed to a big debate on an ERP LinkedIn forum around the use of descriptions in the industry such as customizing, personalizing, tailoring, and configuring. Is this just marketing semantics, or are there very real differences in the meaning of these phrases and the implications of using these phrases when describing, or more to the point, promoting an ERP system?

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How to optimize your ERP education for the Net and Millennial Generations

optimize your erp education

Learning how to use an ERP system is not always that easy but it can be significantly simplified with an understanding of the needs of the learner. Just like we do when developing new solutions in our ERP, when developing learning material, a critical question to ask is “Does the learning meet the target audience’s learning style and preferences?”

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