3 Ways to Drive Value out of Your ERP Investment


As a mother of an avid horse rider, I have noticed a development where horses are now being bred to be far more athletic. In the ‘old days’, the preferred showjumping warmblood breeds had stronger hind legs to handle the propulsion of the jumps. Lately, the horses have been cross-bred with lighter more athletic breeds, resulting in a winning combination of strength and stealth. Simultaneously, horse riding equipment is continuously evolving to enable maximum performance and efficiency, with minimal impact on the horse.

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What are Chatbots and How can they Help Business?

The role of the CIO is changing from performance and efficiency to include systems that give insights that can enrich the customer experience; one of these is implementing chatbots. This new technology brings not only opportunities but also challenges. Unlike previous IT projects, these new systems have not only technology and business impacts but also human and even ethical impacts. 

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The Levels of Digital Maturity for Your Company

Does digital transformation require radical re-thinking? For traditional companies, the prospect of a complete digital overhaul has left many businesses in a fight, flight or freeze mode. With barriers ranging from the costs associated with moving away from legacy systems through to the lack of skills to enable it, digital transformation has been a far-off dream for many.

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Right Place, Right Time, on Time – How to be Inventive with Inventory

The global pandemic is forcing everyone to reassess their inventory management processes. A recent bulletin from the Cleaning and Hygiene Suppliers’ Association (CHSA) has called on medical supply businesses to urgently address their supply chains and plan for shortages. Discussing the impact of COVID-19 on the cleaning and hygiene sector, it cited the fragility of just-in-time supply chains, reduced production capacity, and unprecedented demand as major contributing factors to global supply chain struggles.

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How Manufacturers can Easily Transition into the Future of Work – Key Considerations

The acceleration of technological adoption has created a new frontier for the world of work. With the rise of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, e-commerce and other collaborative technologies, businesses have had the opportunity to innovate and thrive. At the same time, the technology revolution has also created a dichotomy – it has resulted in a skills deficit where the workforce is simply not prepared for the future.

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The Importance of Using Digital Technologies In the Supply Chain

For businesses involved in moving and distributing goods around the country or the world, the pandemic of 2020 has shown how important it is to have digital technologies to support planning, managing, and executing distribution operations. Even after the Coronavirus pandemic subsides, the world is not going to go back to what it was, things will change.

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