Keeping Business Solutions Innovation Simple


Why shouldn’t you let a Pokémon shower with you? It might Pikachu.

Apologies. I couldn’t resist.

Love it or hate it, Pokémon GO has become a global phenomenon. Bigger than Candy Crush, less useful than Gangnam Style, and unfettered by generational barriers, this location-based augmented reality mobile game has become the most talked about app on the planet.

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GLOBAL TALK – Knowledge is Power


Experts in every field know the value of trade magazines and industry publications. At the personal level, they can serve as the cornerstone of post-graduate professional development, honing expertise and keeping that expertise on the cutting edge. For organizations, they provide a conduit into the collective knowledge of an industry, supplying insight into broader trends, while at the same time offering specific examples of how other companies are improving and re-defining their competitive edge.

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Food Safety is Critical for Your ERP System


Aligning food safety strategy and ERP implementation is critical for manufacturers who wish to gain a competitive edge in a very volatile and competitive market. World class manufacturers understand that traditional manual processes can no longer provide the real time and accurate information required to drive their businesses. Effective use of an ERP system can help push food safety compliance deep into the 21stcentury and beyond.

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ERP: From Functionality to Value in a Single Bound

In this age of Industry-four-point-whatever, the stuff of interthings, customizable screens that can make coffee and excise bunions, massive data and so on, it can be fairly easy to forget that some ERP users may not want every bell and whistle in order for their solution to work optimally for their situation.

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How ERP Meets the Challenge of Uncertainty

There is no doubt that, globally, these are uncertain times.  From the UK’s surprise Brexit decision to the election in Australia and of course the Clinton vs. Trump campaign in the US.  Whatever side of politics you find yourself on, there is no doubt that politic uncertainty and economic uncertainty go hand in hand.  Macro-economic uncertainty then feeds down to company level and we get trading uncertainty.

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