
Picture of Cathie Hall

Cathie Hall

Cathie Hall is the Chief Business Officer for the K3 Group, a Biz-Tech group serving retail, manufacturing and distribution customers. She is responsible for executing the strategy and working closely with a range of partners (including SYSPRO) to ensure that customer’s gain real, tangible benefits from their technology. K3 believes in making technology possible.

Posts by Cathie Hall

Managing-Operating ERPERP systems

The Challenge of ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes I have spent many hours over the past few weeks running around the countryside in preparation for three running challenges …

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Managing the Project Environment
Managing-Operating ERPERP Implementation

Managing the Project Environment

Reading Time: 3 minutes When managing an ERP project, the traditional view is to schedule activities and tasks, to create work breakdown structures, to …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP Implementation

Creating Effective ERP Project Teams

Reading Time: 3 minutes Selecting a project team for your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is all too often done on the basis of …

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The ownership conundrum
Services and Support for ERPEducation

The Ownership Conundrum

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ownership of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is much more than the signing of a contract at the time …

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