
Picture of Paulo de Matos

Paulo de Matos

Paulo is the Chief Product Officer for SYSPRO Corporate. With more than 24 years’ experience at SYSPRO, Paulo has made a tangible impact in the areas of sales and product development. Paulo is an industry expert who is passionate about developing the right ERP product solution for customers within the manufacturing and distribution sectors. Paulo is responsible for ensuring that maximum business value is achieved from SYSPRO’s offerings in the market. He and his team determine this through ongoing research and identifying industry trends to anticipate users’ aspirations and industry-specific requirements.

Posts by Paulo de Matos

Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Analytics

Internet of Things touted at Innovations Dinner

Reading Time: 2 minutes We recently attended the IT News Africa Innovation Dinner in Sandton, sponsored by Business Connexion and Telkom, which underlined the …

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ERP and Mobile Business

The Sweet Side of ERP Mobility for the Sales Force

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’m beginning to think that the world can be separated into two distinct groups: those who Candy Crush and those …

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Supply Chain Management and ERP

The ERP ROI ‘Promise Game’ Part 3

Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s something extremely satisfying about a well-planned, properly resourced fishing trip. When you’ve found the perfect spot, your tackle box …

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Managing-Operating ERPSelecting ERP

The ERP ROI ‘Promise Game’ part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes In Part I of this blog series, we looked at ERP ROI; the difficulties in quantifying the returns and the …

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Managing-Operating ERPSoftware development

The ERP ROI ‘Promise Game’ – Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes We have all heard it before, ‘Sustainable Competitive Advantage’, ‘Return on Investment’, ‘Increase sales by x%’. Terms often bandied about …

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Supply Chain Management and ERP

Information on your Doorstep

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve reflected recently on the classic depiction of someone waking early, walking out their front door down the driveway and …

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Managing-Operating ERPSoftware development

From Papua, with ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes The sun was setting steadily on the steamy horizon. Its rays penetrated the mist covered mountains projecting beams of light …

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