
Picture of Steve Bassaw

Steve Bassaw

Steve Bassaw is the Product Manager at SYSPRO Canada. Steve has been with SYSPRO for 20 years in diverse roles such as Support, Consulting, Product Management, and Solution Architect. Before joining SYSPRO, Steve was a SYSPRO software super-user at a manufacturing company where he gained hands on experience using ERP to improve Operations and Supply Chain. Steve is also Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Business/IT program at BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology).

Posts by Steve Bassaw

ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

The Digital Transformation Journey: Part One – Getting Started

Reading Time: 4 minutes Smart technology is everywhere these days. You are probably surrounded by advanced consumer technology right now. For example, you may be reading …

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ERP for Manufacturing

Converging Robots and ERP to Improve Decision-Making

Reading Time: 2 minutes The FIFA World Cup is well underway and, even if you aren’t the biggest soccer fan, soccer fever seems to …

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Supply Chain Management and ERP

Managing your Supply Chain with ERP – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes In Part 1 of this blog I discussed how ERP software helps you better manage the “demand” side of the …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP Implementation

Knowing when to Pull the Trigger on ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes For more than 20 years I have seen manufacturers and distributors struggle with the decision of selecting an ERP system. …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP systems

How to Pick an ERP System that Benefits the Entire Company

Reading Time: 4 minutes ERP projects touch all aspects of a business. Small- and medium-sized companies can typically only afford to have one person …

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ERP for Manufacturing

Using Forecasting to Streamline Sales and Operations

Reading Time: 2 minutes The disconnect between Sales and Operations in manufacturing companies is so common that it is almost a cliché. I’ve experienced …

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Supply Chain Management and ERP

Catering for the Safe Food for Canadians Act

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Safe Food for Canadians Act comes in to effect on January 1, 2015 and it is going to have …

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ERP Systems Can Help Small Companies, Too
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

ERP Systems Can Help Small Companies, Too

Reading Time: 3 minutes People often assume that ERP systems are only for larger companies. But, consider this – if you run a small …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Overcoming Learned Human Behavior

Reading Time: 3 minutes Last week I was at the supermarket in the very long queue at the “12 items or less” checkout station, …

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