
Picture of Steve Bassaw

Steve Bassaw

Steve Bassaw is the Product Manager at SYSPRO Canada. Steve has been with SYSPRO for 20 years in diverse roles such as Support, Consulting, Product Management, and Solution Architect. Before joining SYSPRO, Steve was a SYSPRO software super-user at a manufacturing company where he gained hands on experience using ERP to improve Operations and Supply Chain. Steve is also Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Business/IT program at BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology).

Posts by Steve Bassaw

Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Vendor relationships in ERP – the magic potion

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently I had several very ordinary (and seemingly unrelated) personal experiences that, in hindsight, had a common theme related to …

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Executive buy in is critical
Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

Executive buy-in is critical – Part Two

Reading Time: 3 minutes My previous blog was about the importance of leadership and executive buy-in during Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations. Without top-down …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Executive buy-in is critical – Part One

Reading Time: 3 minutes While on vacation recently, I visited an interesting restaurant with a large group of relatives. At the table a few …

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Software as a tool
ERP for DistributionBusiness software

Make your ERP software work for you: Don’t blame the tools if you haven’t read the manual

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have a friend who works at a large home improvement retailer. He often tells me stories about customers who …

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Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

Understanding ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes Years ago I worked as a junior procurement officer at a medium sized Canadian manufacturing company. Within my first year, …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Lumbering Through Waste Reduction

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently I was watching one of those “how things are made” TV shows which featured a saw mill. I was …

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